In this day and age, rarely does a referee get praised for having a good game. It has become a common occurance for a ref to be booed off at both half-time and full-time in a Premier League game after a dodgy decision.
There have been numerous high-profiled decisions already this season that have got us, the fans, talking. Despite our severe disurance for the ref to be booed off at both half-time and full-time in a like for the man in the middle, without their poor decisions, Saturday nights would be quite boring.
They are the centre of much conversation down at the local on weekends. Without them, we would have no one to call a w***ker or a p***k. So referees, I salute you. With that said, I ask you, who you think is the best referee in the Premier League. For most people, you won't have one because you hate them all equally.
I'll say right now that I think Mark Halsey is the best ref in the league. He is always very leiniant in dishing out cards and I feel he deserves a great deal of praise for that.