Heat win over the Bulls in the final five games the eastern region. Score to 4-1.
Miami Heat trail the Dallas Mavericks to qualify for the NBA Finals. These results were achieved after struggles frustrate the Chicago Bulls 83-80 in the final playoff eastern region, Thursday, May 26, 2011. Heat escaped with a score of 4-1.
Bulls defeat it feels very painful because it happened in his own headquarters, United Center. Bulls when circumstances leading up to the match two minutes remaining. Is a trio of Heat, LeBron James, Dwyne Wade and Chris Bosh are destroying the dream Bulls repeat success of 1998.
In quarter four live leaves 1 minute 46 seconds again, the Bulls ahead 79-72. Some errors kemudiandibuat by MVP Derrick Rose who actually played pretty good.
Starting from three-point shots Wade, Heat chase becomes 75-79. Then, Rose makes foul which resulted in the Heat have one extra number of free throw Wade, 76-79. Furthermore, Rose failed to make three points that directly rewarded James through a counterattack, 79-79. MVP Bulls again made a mistake, James managed to steal the ball from Rose and immediately reward with a shot, 81-79.
I do not know what happened with Rose who then pulled out, the Bulls went back behind 83-80 and had to accept defeat bitter though it was superior since the first quarter.
The party's first finals game between the Mavs against the Heat will be held on Tuesday, May 31, 2011 at American Airlines Arena.
Bulls defeat it feels very painful because it happened in his own headquarters, United Center. Bulls when circumstances leading up to the match two minutes remaining. Is a trio of Heat, LeBron James, Dwyne Wade and Chris Bosh are destroying the dream Bulls repeat success of 1998.
In quarter four live leaves 1 minute 46 seconds again, the Bulls ahead 79-72. Some errors kemudiandibuat by MVP Derrick Rose who actually played pretty good.
Starting from three-point shots Wade, Heat chase becomes 75-79. Then, Rose makes foul which resulted in the Heat have one extra number of free throw Wade, 76-79. Furthermore, Rose failed to make three points that directly rewarded James through a counterattack, 79-79. MVP Bulls again made a mistake, James managed to steal the ball from Rose and immediately reward with a shot, 81-79.
I do not know what happened with Rose who then pulled out, the Bulls went back behind 83-80 and had to accept defeat bitter though it was superior since the first quarter.
The party's first finals game between the Mavs against the Heat will be held on Tuesday, May 31, 2011 at American Airlines Arena.